Bonnie Loertscher Moffett

Profile Updated: April 28, 2010
Bonnie Loertscher
Residing In: chico, CA USA
Spouse/Partner (Besides name, anniversary date, his/her home town, etc. encouraged): eugene
Children: andrew born 1975
emily born 1979
nathaniel born 1981
Occupation: registered nurse
Yes! Attending Reunion
In what city and state were you born?

port washington, wisconsin

What class/classes at MFHS best served you in your career?

chemistry english

What class/classes at MFHS best served you outside of your career?

debate team

Who was your favorite / most influential teacher at MFHS?

mrs sipos and chemistry teacher

What was the first car you ever owned (model and year)?


What was the first computer you ever owned (brand and year)?


What was the last music purchase you made (song/album/artist)?

kd lang

What are your favorite book(s)?

Too many to name read all the time but one is
"the distant land of my father"

What sport(s) do you engage in now?

sking walking

What hobbies do you engage in now?

reading cooking baking

To what professional / fraternal / other organizations do you currently belong?

museums in SF
ashland oregon shakespeare theatre
book club

Which states have you visited?

arizona, oregon, washington, alaska, montana, north dakota, south dakota, iowa, minnesota, georga, florida, new york, massachusetts, vermont, maine, washington d.c., Illinois, indiana, pennsylvania, ohio, idaho, hawaii, colorado, new hampshire, connecticut, luisiana, texas,

In which states have you lived and when?

illinois one year 1970
colorado one year 1968
california since 1971

Besides the US, what countries have you visited and when?


How old do you feel?

6 years than i am

What animal would you be if you could choose one?


What would your classmates find surprising about you?

i'm a pretty nice person

What items are left on your "bucket list?"

travel more
read more

Who told you about this web site?

kathy ennis

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